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Getting the right tool in Valorant can make all the difference in the world. Today, we’re going to talk about the Spectre, a great Sub Machine Gun (SMG) that can be used by Duelists, Supports, and other jobs. Let’s look at this powerful weapon’s stats, skins, strengths, and how to get it.

Right Tool in Valorant: How to Read Spectre Stats

The damage:

  • 78 (0–15m) / 66 (15–30m) / 60 (30–50m)
  • 26 (0–15m) / 22 (15–30m) / 17 (30–50m)
  • Legs: 22 (0–15 m) / 18 (30–50 m) / 17

Other Facts:

  • From 0 to 50 m

The fire mode is automatic.

  • Rate of fire: 13.33 shots per second
  • Run Speed: 5.73 m/s
  • Speed to Equip: 0.75 sec
  • Speed of Reload: 2.25 sec
  • 30/90 (3 mag) magazine

Right Tool in Valorant: Low penetration of the wall

From these numbers, it’s clear that the Spectre is a great SMG in Valorant. Its high fire rate shows how fast its bullets move, and its run and equip speeds show how mobile it is. The reload speed is very important for quickly reloading in tough conditions. The magazine size and wall penetration show that it can be used in a number of situations.

Right Tool in Valorant: Why and why not to use the Spectre


Going back to the statistics, the Spectre does a lot of damage, especially for an SMG. Most SMGs are made for quick hits, but the Spectre does amazingly well in both close and medium-range battle. It’s a good choice for Valorant’s weapons because of how fast it fires and other features.

The clip holds a lot of bullets, so you can keep firing without having to keep reloading. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that SMGs like the Spectre aren’t great for going through things like walls. Use it carefully to get the most out of it.


As we already said, the Spectre shouldn’t be used to shoot at walls or other things because it does less damage that way. The gun’s recoil can also be tricky, forcing players to stay in control in one-on-one scenarios. Spraying in a panic could cause shots to go off target.

To get around this, use the Spectre while staying relaxed and focused. You will beat your enemies if you learn how to use controlled sprays. When fighting at a distance, aim for the head for the most damage; other parts of the body have less of an effect.

In conclusion

In conclusion, the Spectre is a useful SMG that has the right amount of speed, damage, and magazine size. To learn this weapon in Valorant, you need to know what its strengths and weaknesses are. The Spectre could be your best tool, whether you’re a Duelist who wants to rush into battle or a Support player who wants to hold your ground. Have fun playing!

By admin